mémorial - traduction vers français
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mémorial - traduction vers français

Memorial (Luxembourg); Mémorial A; Mémorial B; Mémorial C; Memorial B; Memorial C; Memorial A

n. memorial, ceremony or place designed to preserve the memory of people or individuals who have died, monument built in honor of a deceased person or past event
memorize, remember


·noun Memory; remembrance.
II. Memorial ·noun A memorandum; a record.
III. Memorial ·adj Mnemonic; assisting the memory.
IV. Memorial ·noun A species of informal state paper, much used in negotiation.
V. Memorial ·adj Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building.
VI. Memorial ·noun Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event; something which serves to keep something else in remembrance; a monument.
VII. Memorial ·noun A written representation of facts, addressed to the government, or to some branch of it, or to a society, ·etc., - often accompanied with a petition.



Mémorial is the official gazette of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It is published by the Central Legislation Service (French: Service central de législation), an agency of the government of Luxembourg. Until the Second World War, Mémorial was published in both French and German, which were the two official languages of Luxembourg. Since the war, it has been published in only French (even though German remains an official language, and Luxembourgish has also become one).

Under Grand Ducal decree of 9 January 1961, the Mémorial was to be subdivided into three separate publications:

  • Mémorial A, containing text of legislation, Grand Ducal decrees, and European Union directives. It was established by Grand Ducal decree on 22 October 1842.
  • Mémorial B, containing administrative instructions; changes in government policies not requiring a form of legislation, directive, or decree; and edicts of importance to only specific individuals or for only a very short period of time. It was established by Grand Ducal decree on 20 April 1854.
  • Mémorial C, containing personal and financial matters, including the foundation, liquidation, and restructuring of corporations. It was established by statute on 10 August 1915. The final issue of Mémorial C was published on 27 July 2016 with the information now found on the website of Trade Register and Companies (RCS) since 1 June 2016.

Starting 1 January 2017, the Mémorial is no longer published in print and is now solely an electronic publication. The current arrangement and separation of duties is currently dictated by Law of 23 December 2016.

Exemples de prononciation pour mémorial
1. Memorial Pentathlon.
Civil War General-Purpose Computing _ Cory Doctorow _ Talks at Google
2. Memorial Church.
From Genocide to Dignity and Justice _ Samantha Lakin _ Talks at Google
3. the Jeanette Memorial.
In the Kingdom of Ice _ Hampton Sides _ Talks at Google
4. It's Memorial Day weekend.
The Power of Story - Standing Up After Saigon _ Thuhang Tran & Sharon Orlopp _ Talks at Google
5. Martin Luther King Memorial,
Exemples du corpus de texte pour mémorial
1. Inauguration ŕ Berlin du Mémorial de l‘Holocauste.
2. Les passions se déchaînent autour d‘un mémorial soviétique.
3. A Tallinn, oů le mémorial soviétique controversé exacerbe les tensions.
4. La maîtresse leur explique le pourquoi de ce mémorial.
5. Cérémonie militaire devant le mémorial de Kim Il–sung.